Friday, March 24, 2006

Dark Royalty

sketches from the black sketchbook. When people ask what do you think about when you draw, it's more than what I say when I give a response. Alot of times my sketches are just random creations, but for a lot of the drawings like these images above it is for a series titled dark royalty. If random people come up to ask me what im thinking about when I draw these images, I'll most likely say, " I don't know just random stuff" mainly because it's ideas that I'm still in the midst of forming and I dont want you to know about it yet, so if your the type of person that likes to critisize artists about being "Dumb as rocks" thinking that they just create stuff and don't think what it means, than you can share this to your friends, because your all narrow minded and need to investigate more before you speak.


Shanti Marie said...

Your work is very interesting, the line work is especially strong.

I don't look at your drawings as objects but as an artists I see the beauty in the process.

Unknown said...

nice sketches,

Ramsés Meléndez said...

One of the most sinister work !

Unknown said...

tengkyaa Obat maag untuk ibu hamil | Obat HB rendah untuk ibu hamil | Obat Luka Lambung | Obat radang usus | Obat Cair Untuk Sakit Maag

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